Runs on different desktop, mobile or embedded platforms at high speed (60+ fps).
Multi-face AI tracking.
Our FLT simultaneously tracks multiple people in a video, giving real-time information about each subject.
Head pose estimation.
Our FLT tracks faces in the following ranges: Pitch: -20 ~ 10, Yaw: -65 ~ 65 and Roll: -60 ~ 60, giving your application some serious potential.
Eye Tracking.
Knowing where someone is looking and what they are looking at brings a world of possibilities to technology applications. With over 50 facial landmarks on the eye alone, eye tracking with our FTL is impeccably accurate.
Low-Level Lighting.
Robust even in challenging lighting conditions, our FLT is still able to deliver facial tracking information
FLT Tech Specs
C++, iOS, Android, Web JS.
Video and Still, RGB
Mobile Phones, Nvidia, Raspberry Pi, Intel.
Who we work with.
Create unique retail and ecommerce experiences customized for your brand.
Give your shoppers more personalized and accurate experiences.
Plug our technology into your app through our SDK, and voila…you’ve got possibilities.
Take advantage of our face tracking SDK and offer solutions to your clients.